Practical and secure locking option RSK compartment modules!
Battery-powered electric code lock with two codes for use on the RSK modules 155 mm and 355 mm, and for the double-door cabinet RSK1900/2. The double-door cabinet has two electric code locks, as these modules are equipped with two compartments per module. There is many advantages with electronic keypad code locks. For one, you don't need to carry the, often bulgy, security keys with you wherever you go, at the risk of loosing them, or worse deciding to hide them somewhere instead. If many are suppose to have access to the safe there is a high risk of lost keys, or keys that are in the wrong place when needed. Lastly code locks stop thieves from searching for keys in the vicinity of the safe (although there is no such keys). This can save you a lot of money by reducing property damage from careless searching for keys.