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Här hittar du trådhyllor (gallerhyllor) i stål med kromad, eller antibakteriell expoxy-resin beläggning

Dessa lättmonterade och robusta Trådhyllor/Gallerhyllor med Krom, eller Antibakteriell beläggning är utmärkta för verksamheter som kräver extra god hygien. T.ex inom livsmedelshantering- och förvaring, i restauranger och kök, men även i forskningslaboratorier för t.ex medicin, biologi, kemi, och fysik.

Hyllorna är mycket stabila och kan utan problem användas till all typ av förvaring. Genom tillbehör såsom hjul, handtag, stoppskydd, och avdelare, kan hyllorna också sättas ihop på ett sådant sätt att de passar ert behov perfekt.

Den kraftiga konstruktionen i stål tillåter hela 270 kg per hyllplan, och i en sektion med 4 eller 5 hyllplan ända upp till 950 kg.

- De kromade mycket stilrena hyllorna har belagets med hela tre lager krom för en riktigt lättvättad, och slittålig yta med snygg finish.

- De antibakteriella hyllorna har belagts med en rostfri och certifierad antibakteriell beläggning av s.k. Epoxy-resin.

Båda modellerna kan köpas som färdig-konfigurerade hyllsektioner, eller i separata delar så att ni själva kan skräddarsy sektionerna utifrån era specifika behov.

Alla hyllor och sektioner levereras omonterat. Som en bonus gör deras smarta konstruktion att de ändå är mycket lätta att montera ihop. Allt som behövs är något hårt med relativt mjuk yta att knacka ihop dem med, förslagsvis en gummiklubba (finns att köpa hos oss, om så önskas).

Välkommen att höra av dig till oss med frågor eller funderingar! Vi hjälper dig gärna att hitta rätt hylla för just ert ändamål.

Välj en av kategorierna nedan eller kika på hyllorna längre ned:

  • 137A0416

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    3.350 kr
    4.113 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • 137A0391

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    3.600 kr
    4.488 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • Kromad-hylla-4-plan

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    2.975 kr
    3.488 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • Kromad-hylla-4-plan

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    3.225 kr
    3.988 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • Kromad-hylla-4-plan

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    3.475 kr
    4.488 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • hyllplan-antibakteriel

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    675 kr
    863 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • 137A0492

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    575 kr
    738 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • handtag-krom

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    475 kr
    613 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!
  • hjul

    Basic section 2500 x 900

    Choose shelf depth yourself, Click here for more info!
    900 kr
    1.113 kr
    CcnFgycG7P8The shelf is made of galvanised steel sheet which means it has a very strong construction.
    Very easy mounting, You do not need screws, bolts or cross bars. The ends / gables are pre-assembled.
    The shelf weighs only 18 kg but can handle a load of a whole 280 kg / shelf!
    Very good resistance against wear and tear which gives the shelves a long life span!