Medicine cabinet with 3 compartments and an extendable drawerH x W x D: 456 x 400 x 300 mm 3.800 kr 4.313 kr More infoBuy MS1 Easy-to-place, practical and affordable medicine cabinet.
Medicine cabinet with 6 smaller compartmentsH x W x D: 375 x 345 x 220 mm 2.963 kr 3.738 kr More infoBuy MS3 Sturdy medicine cabinet in metal with 6 compartments.
Medicine cabinet with 3 smaller compartmentsH x W x D: 385 x 400 x 300 mm 3.300 kr 3.988 kr More infoBuy MS5 Medicine cabinet with 2 smaller compartments and a larger compartment.
Medicine cabinet with relief tableH x W x D: 455 x 400 x 300 mm 3.713 kr 4.863 kr More infoBuy MSAV MSAV is a medium sized medicine cabinet with an extra pull-out working surface in its bottom for easier handling of mediciation and so on....
Wooden medicine cabinet with very practical interiorH x W x D: 700 x 600 x 350 mm (NOTE! about 4 weeks delivery time) 10.925 kr 11.550 kr More infoBuy MSD Spacious and heavily built medicin cabinet in wood with practical thought out fitting consisting of several medicine compartments on the inside of the door, and removable / moveable shelves. ...
Medicine cabinet with 2 slotsHxWxD: 375 x 375 x 175 mm 4.463 kr 4.756 kr More infoBuy M375/2 Medicine cabinet with 2 lockable compartments.
Movable medicine cabinet with key lockH x W x D: 350 x 350 x 180 mm - With 4 removable shelves 5.425 kr 6.225 kr More infoBuy MSMO Movable practical medicine cabinet with key lock and 4 removable shelves.
Small sturdy medicine cabinet with key lockH x W x D: 130 x 230 x 250 mm 1.800 kr 2.088 kr More infoBuy MSM-2 Lock system, Key lockA small practical medicine cabinet for storage of medicines or simple valuables. The cabinet is painted in a light gray color and comes complete with a key lock....
Wall-mounted SSF3492 rated security cabinet with five shelvesH x W x D: 750 x 420 x 220 mm, 4-5 weeks delivery time! 13.425 kr 14.225 kr More infoBuy MS750V/H Lock system, Key lockLock system, Electronic code lockBurglary protection, SSF3492...
Lockable medicine cabinet with 4 smaller compartmentsH x W x D: 390 x 300 x 160 mm 1.800 kr 2.063 kr More infoBuy MSC Lock system, Key lockKeep what you need for first aid or keep medicines locked up for children / unauthorized persons with this popular easy-to-place medicine cabinet perfect for the home or office pharmacy & first aid kits. Prepared for easy wall mounting. Fits just as well at home as at work! ...
Lockable, very spacious storage cabinet for mounting on a wallH x W x D: 800 x 660 x 275 mm 4.275 kr 4.573 kr More infoBuy FS52141 Very popular easily placed and installed free standing or wall mounted cabinet with considerable room for many different items.Great for all who are short on floor space and needs a storage cabinet and are not concerned with fire protection or enhanced burglar protection....