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Allt inom Smart & Trygg förvaring!

Genom år av kundkontakter och specifika kundfrågor som vi löst, bl.a från kyrkor och församlingar har vi sakta men säkert byggt upp ett av Sveriges största utbud av produkter för smart och trygg förvaring.

Vid sidan av de övriga kategorierna som ni hittar i er sektion har vi även andra typer av skåp som vi vet kan intressera er tack vare beställningar från församlingar och liknande organisationer. Några exempel är Låsbara; Arkiv- & Dokumentskåp, Förvaringsskåp, Glasmonterskåp, Ritningsskåp, Datorskåp/Datorvagnar med eluttag för t.ex Laptops, Surfplattor, Chromebooks, Serverskåp, och Kemikalieskåp.

Nedan har vi tre samlat en mängd handplockade produkttips till er, samt några kategorier för att ni lättare skall kunna hitta speciella skåp. Hittar ni inte det ni söker här så har ni såklart 10% rabatt på allt annat i vår webbshop också. Dessutom är ni varmt välkomna att höra av er till oss för tips och råd!

Välj en kategori eller spana in vårt urval här nedan:

  • Hela

    Computer cabinet with 6 compartments and power outlets

    Protects and charges your laptops, smart and practical solution!
    14.838 kr
    15.550 kr
    In this computer cabinet, 6 laptops are housed in 6 separate lockable compartments. Each compartment is further equipped with an electrical outlet for charging while the computers are locked in. The compartments are available with key lock ....
  • FS1951-E

    Spacious Fire insulated archive cabinet with room for 65 binders

    Very popular with its fire insulation and heavy duty construction with 13 lock bolts for enhanced burglar protection!
    28.175 kr
    30.920 kr
    This is a very popular and spacious archive cabinet with double doors to hold both binders, documents, and other material. With its enhanced burglary protection with 13 lock bolts, and fire insulation this is one of our best selling alternatives to fire rated / fireproof archive cabinets thanks to its much lower price. In short: A Great cabinet to a Very affordable price!...
  • FS-1951-Key

    Spacious Fire insulated archive cabinet with room for 65 binders

    Very popular with its fire insulation and heavy duty construction with 13 lock bolts for enhanced burglar protection!
    28.175 kr
    30.920 kr
    This is a very popular and spacious archive cabinet with double doors to hold both binders, documents, and other material. With its enhanced burglary protection with 13 lock bolts, and fire insulation this is one of our best selling alternatives to fire rated / fireproof archive cabinets thanks to its much lower price. In short: A Great cabinet to a Very affordable price!...
  • fs221_o_tomt
    7.700 kr
    8.688 kr
    A large double door lockable and neat storage cabinet for a combination of items!
    The cabinet is well suited for all who feel the need to lock in private possessions, extra important binders, valuables (such as cameras), or other theft-prone property without having to pay a lot for enhanced burglar protection or fire protection.
  • G1200

    Glass monter cabinet

    For maximum exposure of the gods inside!
    187.325 kr
    211.500 kr
    A very robust glass monter cabinet for maximum exposure of products, and goods inside the cabinet. The cabinet is also equipped with fire and burlglary protection, and is supplied as standard with electronic code lock....
  • 84ag_c

    Storage cabinet with glass doors

    H × B × D: 1975 × 1000 × 400 mm
    11.800 kr
    12.938 kr

    Fully welded double door storage cabinet with tempered glass. Excellent for the office or home where you want to have a good overview of whats inside the cabinet without having to open it.
    The cabinet is made of strong sheet metal and with hardened glass doors, and comes with 4 (re)movable shelves in standard design, with the capacity to hold up to 80 A4-binders.
    A perfect and very cost-efficient way to set up storage of any materiels of interest!
  • LTS140E_hlk

    Computer cabinet with 10 compartments and power outlets

    Protects and charges your laptops, smart and practical solution!
    14.775 kr
    15.550 kr
    In this computer cabinet, 10 laptops are housed in 10 separate lockable compartments. Each compartment is further equipped with an electrical outlet for charging while the computers are locked in. The compartments are available with either key lock or padlock latches....

    Multi-compartment cabinet w/ 4 separately code-locked compartments

    Great for anyone looking for safer storage for multiple media units!
    14.175 kr
    15.675 kr
    M23-4 is a well made multi-compartment cabinet for anyone looking for safer storage of multiple media units, computers, iPads, tablets and the like. The strong 8 mm steel sheet door surrounded by 3 mm steel sheet everywhere else each compartments makes for a good anti-theft safe on its own.
  • Ny bild (1)_redweb

    Fire insulated chemical cabinet

    Chemical cabinet with ventilation duct
    24.925 kr
    27.313 kr
    Classification, SP method 2369 class 1
    Swedish manufacturing.
    The cabinet is of high quality and manufactured in Borås, which means short environmentally friendly deliveries within Sweden, and an environmentally sustainable design thanks to the Swedish quality that will help it last for many years.
    When you want to store chemicals of all kinds, this is a cabinet that suits you.
    It is fire tested according to SP method 2369 and has passed the requirement for class 1 in fire protection.
  • fs252_frilagd

    Spacious Fire insulated archive cabinet with room for 65 binders

    Very popular with its fire insulation and heavy duty construction with 13 lock bolts for enhanced burglar protection!
    18.275 kr
    19.425 kr
    This is a very popular and spacious archive cabinet with double doors to hold both binders, documents, and other material. With its enhanced burglary protection with 13 lock bolts, and fire insulation this is one of our best selling alternatives to fire rated / fireproof archive cabinets thanks to its much lower price. In short: A Great cabinet to a Very affordable price!...
  • 10665_MP3500-700x700

    Parcel dropbox from Berglunds with key lock

    H x W x D: 1050 x 380 x 230 mm
    Perfect for online shoppers!
    2.838 kr
    3.390 kr
    Lock system, Key lock
    STIL3500 is a Swedish-made Berglund's parcel dropbox with large capacity for both ordinary mail, letters and small parcels.
    Perfect choice for all online shoppers thanks to the parcel drop opening!
  • KSK310-ANT_c
    3.525 kr
    3.981 kr

    Easily placed high quality ventilated locker in sheet metal with 1 door. Perfect for locker rooms and dressing rooms or personell and staff rooms or the like.
  • KSK320-ANT_c
    5.150 kr
    5.831 kr

    Easily placed high quality ventilated locker in sheet metal with 2 door. Perfect for locker rooms and dressing rooms, personell and staff rooms or the like.
  • Z-skåp stängda dörrar blå

    Z-shaped locker cabinet with 2 compartments

    Let Z-lockers increase your changing room capacity!
    5.175 kr
    5.844 kr
    The Z-shaped locker cabinets maximises practical storage on small floor surfaces by enabling two users per Z-locker to hang their jackets straight and freely besides their other stuff (e.g. shoes/bags). Very well thought out!
    Our Z-shape lockers are also built with holes in the two doors for better ventilation, which is nice for the user.